Monday 24 October 2011


Fashion and Talcum Powder

Hello Peeps,

Ok, lets say your going on a big shopping trip to Oxford Street with  good friend of yours, and you want to look your best but your favourite dress/ jeans/ t-shirt smells dirty! "but I only wore it  yesterday to the library! How did that happen?" So what do you do? Drench it in perfume and hope if overpowers the smell? Dab it with water? Air it out on the washing line? No! Talcum powder!

Now, I dislike the traditional use of talcum powder as I dont understand why we would want to dry out our skin when we are spending £1000s per year on moisturising it. But I have recently discovered a much better use for it- cleaning clothes.

I don't know if you know this but the more you wash clothes the less it will last, the chemicals don't only eat away at body odour and last nights ketchup stains, they eat away your clothes. And when clothes just have a little smell to them just because they were worn a for several hours before doesn't mean you need sling it in the wash. I discovered this method while watching an interview on Vivienne Westwood when she was talking about recycling fashion and clothes.

Before I start I would just like to say that this will not thoroughly wash your clothes but make them fresh and clean-smelling; when something has been over-worn, washing will be morally the right thing. Also I can't guarantee this will be 100% safe with all fabrics, all I can say is I've used it loads of times and I haven't had a single problem, so I would say 93% certain.

Anyway, lets not dilly dally and get on with things shall we?

Step 1: Lay the garment on a flat wide surface (i.e. bed or table)

Step 2: Sparingly sprinkle the talcum powder over the crotch, inner thighs, underarms, low back area,  and/or any places where odours may linger (you may want to do the same on the inside.)

Step 3: Vigorously pat, rub, and shake the powder into the applied areas until white smears have disappeared (note: for black clothes it is often harder to rub the powder into the fabric, just keep going, and if unsuccessful just spray with a small amount of water.)

So there you have it, three simple, quick, and easy steps to you clean-feeling clothes. Hope you've learnt something from this and I will see you later,

Bye for now

Monday 10 October 2011


7 Reasons to Shop in Primark

Hiya peeps,

Ok, so today I will be talking about Primark. I don't know if you know, but I'm kind of a Primark freak.
I always shop in Primark, I think their quality is so much better than people think. People think the only quality they are going to get is a £60 hoodie from Hollister or a £35 t-shirt from Jack Wills, but to be honest you can get the same stuff in Primark for 80% less. So today I have decided to do a '7 reasons to...' post.
So without further adieu I welcome...

7 Reasons to Shop in Primark


1) Cheap n' Cheerful

I am kind of stating the obvious here but reason 1 is that it is the highest value high street probably in the world; the United States envies us for this, they are desperate to get their hands on this amazingly cheap stuff; I'm actually suprised they don't have it there.

2) More Ethical than you Think

You may associate primark with child labour, and horrific working condidtions and 12p an hour, but that is wrong, Primark work hard for their clothes to be the best value possible but still provide fair pay for their workers. Don't believe me? See for yourself:
Another reason they are so cheap is becuase they don't advertise (they rely on customers to rave about them,) they also don't have an online store, and lastly they rarely use models.

3) 'In Style' Fashion

People say about how Topshop and H&M etc. have all the latest trends from the catwalk and they are inspired by designer brands- which is very true; However Primark seem to have all the same stuff, but just unnoticed. For Example, the other week I was thinking about how I really wanted to buy an 80s fair isle jumper to wear at Christmas time or in the snow, but I really didn't want to spend £44 in River Island, so days later I'm in Primark and BAM! I see it on the hanger, right there in my face (I nearly fainted.) This has happended to me several times before as well (I'm anticipating some red skinny jeans soon...)

4) Chop n' Changing all the time

I only found this out recently from a Primark staff member, but apparently they change their stuff almost weekly, you are almost always seeing new stuff, which is probably one of the reasons they don't have an online shop where it would be hard to keep track. One week I'm seeing fluffy scarves, and the next i'm seeing gorgeous leather driving gloves.

5) All-Year-Round Sale

Despite the traditional January and Summer sales that all shops do, Primark have reduced garments virtually all year round. Ever noticed that little metal rack in the corner of the store, bursting with clothes? or that red marker writing on the label? That = Bargain! Although many high streets may have several reduced things Primark seem to have loads plonked around the store.

6) Glamorous Layout

Unfortunately we can't control the crazy crowds or the idiots throwing clothes on the floor, but at least we can admire the simple and clean layout of the store. Primark recently had a bit of a renovation from this:

to this:

And along with their logos come the stores: clear glass, mannequins,clean (yet attractive) layout all make up the new Primark stores.

*note: not all stores have been fully renovated  (my local one still hasn't) just yet. 

7) Expanding by the Minute

In case you haven't noticed, Primark are beginning to sell many new and unexpected items- i.e. retro sweets, face wipes, hand cream, watches, lip balms, wrapping paper, candles, hangers... (the list goes on.)
This kind of expansion means more stores will be built (more jobs) and we as customers will be happier.

So, I do hope you've enjoyed learning all the reasons to shop in Primark. Next time I will briefly talk about the few things I got second-hand within the month.

Bye for now.