Saturday 17 September 2011

'New Clothes' Diet

Hiya peeps,

In just under a month it will be my birthday (October 10th) so I have decided  to take on a little self- disciplining and personality-building task of buying second hand clothes. Now, whatever your view is on second hand items, you cannot deny that you can pick up some amazing stuff that you would never find in a shop. 

I am very open minded when it comes to clothes- I will willingly shop at Primark and peacocks and those individual market stalls in Camden. I like that I am not a snob towards cheap fashion, but what I have discovered lately is that I am one towards second hand fashion; none of my clothes are second hand (aside from the odd hand me down from my 22 yr old cousin,) and so, to prove my ignorance wrong  I will be nosing about boot sales and charity shops in the search for unusual vintage items, hand made wool jumpers, beautifully aged jeans, impeccably made jackets etc. Shown below is two items I bought last week from a boot sale: 

Faux alligator leather bag and a Chunky, knitted wool jumper. 

The lady said I could have it for a shocking 50p, but I would have felt like I'd robbed her so I gave her a pound instead. I can't tell if this is vintage or not, what do you think? I swear these kind of bags were popular in the 60s.

This chunky hand-made wool jumper was only a pound, I gave it a warm machine wash to remove that musty smell and it was good as new, tip: wear with a vest- very itchy!

Why not try this sort of thing yourself? You cant go wrong with a good bargain.
See you next week, 
bye for now


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